
Privacy and Data Collection Policy

Information We Collect:

Name: We collect your name to personalize our communication with you.

Services Selection: A list of checkboxes allows you to select the specific services you are interested in. This helps us tailor our approach to better meet your needs.

Project Status: Radio buttons inquire whether your project is new or already existing. This distinction assists us in understanding the context of your requirements.

Project Details: A text box is provided for you to share more information about your project. The details you provide enable us to grasp the intricacies of your goals and objectives.

Contact Information: To respond to your inquiry effectively, we request your email and phone number. This ensures a direct line of communication and allows us to reach out promptly.

Data Handling:

No Database Storage: We do not store your information in a database. The details you provide are solely used for the purpose of understanding your project and communicating with you.

Email Transmission: The information collected is sent directly to us via to our email address. This secure method ensures that your data is transmitted in a confidential manner.

How We Use Your Information:

Client Understanding: The information you share enables us to approach your project with a clear understanding of your needs and objectives.

Communication: Your contact details allow us to respond to your inquiries and keep you informed about our services.

Service Improvement: Aggregated and anonymized data may be used for internal analysis to enhance our services.

Data Security:

Secure Transmission: Our website uses secure transmission methods to protect the information you provide.

Confidentiality: We treat all information received with the utmost confidentiality and do not share it with third parties.

Your Consent:

By submitting the contact form on our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy and Data Collection Policy.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or the data we collect, please don't hesitate to contact us at contact@hava.agency.

Thank you for choosing Hava Agency. We look forward to assisting you with your communication needs!